Sunday, May 07, 2006

Arduous April

Well, it was supposed to be arduous, but after my bike crash, it turned out a little less so. I had hoped to finish the equivalent of a quadruple ironman in April, but that little flat tire I had put a bit of a damper on things. I didn't even meet the goals for a triple (though I came close). Ending numbers look a little like this:

Goals for April
Total to date
Total Hours
16800 y
12100 y
448 m
362.3 m
104.8 m
68.4 m

Basically, after I went down, I was down for the count for the rest of the week. I did manage to get on my bike for a whopping 3 mile ride two days later, but that was just to "get back in the saddle" as it were and to make sure the bike was okay.

Funny story goes with that, though. Pat and I have the same brand and model of bike (Kestrel Talon). Because I didn't have any spare tires around (I didn't just blow a tube, the whole tire blew out!), and since he isn't riding his bike, I, um, "borrowed" the front tire off his bike. Well, of course, his tires were flat, so I had to pump it up. After getting the inflator valve on the tire and pumping it up, I went to take it off and the damn thing sprang back and bit me on the hand giving me a blood blister. Damn! That was just adding insult to injury. So BOTH hands had owies on them. But I rode the bike anyway.

A couple days later, I managed to ride the 4.5 miles in to work, then rode to town and back during lunch for another 6 miles (round trip), then rode 4.5 miles home. I got a total of 15 miles in that day and it felt good to do that, but the hip objected slightly.

Speaking of hip, this is what it looked like a week after it slammed into the pavement (taken as a reflection in my bathroom mirror).

That is a full 6 inches in diameter. Honestly, though, it doesn't hurt nearly as much as what it looks like it should. There is still a lump, even as of this writing, that hasn't gone away. I've seen a doctor, though, and he says I'm doing okay, considering.

However, for the last week in April, I admit to babying myself. Short jogs at work between the copy room and the phone would hurt, so running was out of the question. The abrasions on my hand and knee kept me out of the pool. Cycling was possible, but I was working some long hours (we are doing a software conversion at work), and between sitting on my bum (and on the bruise), for hours at a time, by the time
I would get home, I would be just too exhausted to think about doing anything else.

Had I been able to get in the pool, I would easily have made my quad goal for the swim. Had I been able to finish my ride on Sunday, I would easily have made my quad goal for the bike (especially considering I had another 7 hour ride planned for the following weekend). The run would have been harder to predict, but I had a 3 hour run scheduled for the following weekend (the day after the 7 hour ride), not to mention my regular weekly runs, and believe I would have come in close to a quad on the run.

But, given that I took a full week off in April for my injuries, I don't think I did all that badly. May won't have the same volume as April, simply because the way my schedule works out, I'll have two rest weeks in May and fewer weekends, but it will be no less intense as I'm preparing to peak for the New Balance Half Ironman in Victoria, B.C., in mid-June.


At 11:21 AM, Blogger Ellie Hamilton uttered...

You have done spectacularly, and have my admiration! Now I have a question: In response to your reply on Nancy's blog, about shorts/saddle/crotch issues.... what DO you wear? (Check out my comment there.) :-) I really want to know, 'cause I don't like bike shorts... they make it worse for me.

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Unknown uttered...

That is a nasty looking bruise for sure and you can keep the for bragging rights in the future.

I think you are doing great with your training and I will be looking forward to the half-ironman report in June and continued training for IMC.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Backofpack uttered...

Susan, we were just wondering about you and your post-crash injuries this morning at coffee. Then we come home and there you are! I think you've done great! Thanks for the update.

At 12:32 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) uttered...

That's one nasty bruise, but you've done a great job maintaining, in spite of everything. Good job, and I hope May is better for you!

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby uttered...

I think you have a pretty valid excuse!! You're COOKING!!! Those are still some impressive totals!

And I think you need to wear a thong for thigh shots. :-)

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Born To Endure uttered...

I remember that leg...I crashed once and it looked just like that!! You go girl..., hope it gets better real soon!!!

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet uttered...

Damn Puddy, that looks terrible! Glad to hear it doesn't hurt as bad as it looks. Get better soon.

At 11:08 AM, Blogger KLN uttered...

Hey, you did AWESOME! Taking care of your sore, hurt bod, isn't a bad thing either. You'll recover faster in the long run.


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